MBSR Teacher Training Intensive (TTI)

Introduction to Teaching Mindfulness & Compassion with an Anti-oppression Lens

Mindfulness practice has been shown to increase our self-awareness and ability to regulate emotions, and improve our relations with others. Mindfulness is an important component of compassion, which requires awareness and clear-seeing into our stress, both as individuals and collectives. Compassion involves acknowledging stress and suffering, combined with the wish or actions to alleviate the stress. One of the ways our society and systems perpetuate suffering is through oppression, which arises when there is a power imbalance, where some groups are over-empowered and other groups are treated as inferior.

MBSR TTI: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Teacher Training Intensive April 2023

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is an empirically-supported 8-week psycho-educational group intervention that teaches mindfulness meditation as a health intervention. Created by Jon Kabat-Zinn in 1979, MBSR offers participants the possibility to develop a different relationship to stress resulting from chronic physical and psychological illnesses. Research outcomes have demonstrated positive improvements in physical and psychological symptoms, as well as changes in health attitudes and behaviors. This 6-day teacher training intensive will provide health care professionals and educators the opportunity to study and experience the foundational underpinnings, mindfulness meditations and specific exercises that are the framework of the MBSR program. The themes, rationales, intention and practice skills of each MBSR class session will be reviewed, discussed and practiced. Participant screening guidelines will be covered, and samples of client handouts will be provided.

Online MBSR TT: 10-week Online Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Teacher Training January-March 2023

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is an empirically-supported 8-week psycho-educational group intervention that teaches mindfulness meditation as a health intervention. Created by Jon Kabat-Zinn in 1979, MBSR offers participants the possibility to develop a different relationship to stress resulting from chronic physical and psychological illnesses. This online teacher training is highly interactive. Throughout the 10 weeks, trainees will meet twice a week and move back and forth from experiencing the sessions of MBSR, and working in small groups to begin practicing teaching the various components of the MBSR program under the supervision and guidance of the teacher trainers. Inherent in this teacher training is the necessity of a personal mindfulness practice as a platform from which to teach and trainees will have an opportunity to experience a full 8-week MBSR as a participant. The delivery of MBSR requires the teacher to teach from a personal integration of what it means to embody a non-judgmental present moment focus with an understanding of how this supports and strengthens such mind states as kindness, compassion and equanimity. This training will provide the opportunity to strengthen these teacher competences.
Course Categories (CFM and MBPTI ONLY)

A 5-Day Mindfulness Silent Retreat December 2022

This silent retreat is for those already teaching or interested in teaching mindfulness-based programs (MBP) such as Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy, Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention Therapy and Mindful Self-Compassion. It fulfills the silent retreat prerequisite for all Mindfulness-Based Interventions. In addition, it is open to individuals who would like to further develop their mindfulness meditation practice. Some experience with mindfulness meditation is expected. The importance of Silent Retreats for teachers of Mindfulness-Based Interventions is articulated beautifully in this article by Jon Kabat-Zinn.

MBSR ATTI: Advanced Teacher Training Intensive for MBSR Teachers November 2022

This advanced training intensive is for MBSR teachers who wish to deepen their understanding of universal principles for teaching mindfulness-based interventions. As such, the focus for this training is less about teaching to the structure of MBSR and more about intentionally embodying mindful presence and strengthening the facilitation of mindful inquiry. Inquiry is both a practice and a skill. As a practice it is the ability to convey the philosophic underpinnings of mindfulness with an integrity that invites our participants to embark on a journey of discovery about the relevance of mindfulness practice as an approach for reducing stress and for the prevention of depression relapse. As a skill, mindful inquiry, demonstrates a willingness to embody the spirit of mindfulness with an oral congruity of where that understanding rests. The training is highly interactive and highlights the necessity of personal practice as a platform from which to teach.

Online MBSR TT: 10-week Online Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Teacher Training September-November 2022

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is an empirically-supported 8-week psycho-educational group intervention that teaches mindfulness meditation as a health intervention. Created by Jon Kabat-Zinn in 1979, MBSR offers participants the possibility to develop a different relationship to stress resulting from chronic physical and psychological illnesses. This online teacher training is highly interactive. Throughout the 10 weeks, trainees will meet twice a week and move back and forth from experiencing the sessions of MBSR, and working in small groups to begin practicing teaching the various components of the MBSR program under the supervision and guidance of the teacher trainers. Inherent in this teacher training is the necessity of a personal mindfulness practice as a platform from which to teach and trainees will have an opportunity to experience a full 8-week MBSR as a participant. The delivery of MBSR requires the teacher to teach from a personal integration of what it means to embody a non-judgmental present moment focus with an understanding of how this supports and strengthens such mind states as kindness, compassion and equanimity. This training will provide the opportunity to strengthen these teacher competences.
Course Categories (CFM and MBPTI ONLY)

MBSR TTI: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Teacher Training Intensive April 2025

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is an empirically-supported 8-week psycho-educational group intervention that teaches mindfulness meditation as a health intervention. Created by Jon Kabat-Zinn in 1979, MBSR offers participants the possibility to develop a different relationship to stress resulting from chronic physical and psychological illnesses. Research outcomes have demonstrated positive improvements in physical and psychological symptoms, as well as changes in health attitudes and behaviors. This 6-day teacher training intensive will provide health care professionals and educators the opportunity to study and experience the foundational underpinnings, mindfulness meditations and specific exercises that are the framework of the MBSR program. The themes, rationales, intention and practice skills of each MBSR class session will be reviewed, discussed and practiced. Participant screening guidelines will be covered, and samples of client handouts will be provided.
Course Categories (CFM and MBPTI ONLY)

A 5-Day Mindfulness Silent Retreat June 2022

This silent retreat is for those already teaching or interested in teaching mindfulness-based programs (MBP) such as Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy, Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention Therapy and Mindful Self-Compassion. In addition, it is open to individuals who would like to further develop their mindfulness meditation practice. A familiarity with mindfulness meditation is expected. An important aspect of teaching MBP is the requirement to have a personal mindfulness practice. This 5-day retreat will consist of sustained periods of silence, (vital for deepening a personal practice and fundamental to teaching), afternoon sessions of engaged inquiry into exploring the attitudinal foundations of mindfulness, additional meditation practices to foster and strengthen kindness and compassion, and evening talks. Throughout the week there will be scheduled group and individual meetings with the teachers. The Retreat meets the requirements for teacher training and certification at the Mindfulness-Based Professional Training Institute, University of California at San Diego.

MBSR TTI: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Teacher Training Intensive May 2022

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is an empirically-supported 8-week psycho-educational group intervention that teaches mindfulness meditation as a health intervention. Created by Jon Kabat-Zinn in 1979, MBSR offers participants the possibility to develop a different relationship to stress resulting from chronic physical and psychological illnesses. Research outcomes have demonstrated positive improvements in physical and psychological symptoms, as well as changes in health attitudes and behaviors. This 6-day teacher training intensive will provide health care professionals and educators the opportunity to study and experience the foundational underpinnings, mindfulness meditations and specific exercises that are the framework of the MBSR program. The themes, rationales, intention and practice skills of each MBSR class session will be reviewed, discussed and practiced. Participant screening guidelines will be covered, and samples of client handouts will be provided. There will also be time set aside for personal mindfulness practice.

Online 10-week MBSR Teacher Training Practicum January-March 2023

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is an empirically-supported 8-week psycho-educational group intervention that teaches mindfulness meditation as a health intervention. Created by Jon Kabat-Zinn in 1979, MBSR offers participants the possibility to develop a different relationship to stress resulting from chronic physical and psychological illnesses. Research outcomes have demonstrated positive improvements in physical and psychological symptoms, as well as changes in health attitudes and behaviors. This Online 10-week MBSR TTP will provide healthcare professionals and educators the opportunity to practice teaching the curriculum to prepare themselves for teaching the first 8-week MBSR class. The themes, rationales, intention and practice skills of each MBSR class session will be reviewed, discussed and practiced.