mPEAK 3-Day Intensive
mPEAK: Mindful Performance Enhancement, Awareness & Knowledge 3-Day Intensive
mPEAK Overview
mPEAK is an intensive course in mindfulness training for those who seek to draw upon this proven practice to achieve their goals, both personal and professional, as well as attain new levels of performance and success. This cutting-edge 3-day intensive training program is built around the latest brain research related to peak performance, resilience, focus, and “flow”. The mPEAK program enhances the human capacity of mindfulness through established and empirically supported practices and exercises, tailored to fit the needs and desires of the team, organization or individual.
mPEAK: Mindful Performance Enhancement, Awareness & Knowledge 3-Day Intensive
mPEAK workshop is an intensive course in mindfulness training for those who seek to draw upon this proven practice to achieve their goals, both personal and professional, as well as attain new levels of performance and success. This cutting-edge training program is built around the latest brain research related to peak performance, resilience, focus, and “flow”. The mPEAK workshop enhances the human capacity of mindfulness through established and empirically supported practices and exercises, tailored to fit the needs and desires of the team, organization or individual.