mPEAK CTI: Coach Training Intensive June 2022
Over the last several decades mindfulness has gained a strong reputation for serving individuals who identify with their suffering. But in recent years, as the interest in mindfulness has grown, more and more people have been attracted to these practices for their potential to improve performance as well as enhance overall quality of life.
The mPEAK Coach Training Intensive is for mindfulness teachers who are interested in expanding the scope of their offerings to work with athletes, executives, leaders, musicians, dancers, law enforcement, first responders and anyone who sets big goals and pushes themselves towards excellence.
Participants will use this immersive experience to explore the themes, rationales, intentions, and coaching skills that form the foundations of the mPEAK program. Additionally, participants will reflect on their ability to present these foundational elements with integrity, and the core competencies for becoming an effective and skillful mPEAK coach. The course will consist of experiential exercises and didactic discussions, as well as partner and group work that embodies the foundational attitudes of the mindful performer.
It is widely acknowledged within the field that the teaching of mindfulness and compassion arises out of the personal practice of them. Thus, training courses include substantial periods of personal practice of mindfulness meditation and compassion to help develop the personal and professional resource of these human qualities. An analogy might be that the swimming coach would have to be an excellent swimmer, or a violin teacher would actually be a skilled violinist. Therefore in the field of mindfulness and compassion, the teacher must have a well-developed and substantial experiential grounding in these practices, which is partially supported through meditative practice and exercises during the training.