About the Mindfulness-Based Professional Training Institute

Mindfulness-Based Professional Training Institute (MBPTI) was developed in 2005 by the Center’s Founding Director, Dr. Steve Hickman, a former Managing Director, Allan Goldstein, and an impressive team of experts, including MBI program developers, recognized teachers and trainers of mindfulness and people with extensive experience in business, education and other related fields who shared a vision of creating a fully comprehensive Mindfulness-Based Professional Training Institute.

The vision for this Institute is one that is global in scope, collaborative and cooperative in spirit, flexible and accessible in design, and firmly rooted in the intention and practice of mindfulness.

This MBPT Institute provides core training in key concepts and aspects of mindfulness and modes of teaching that are shared by most mindfulness-based approaches. The core training is offered in a variety of formats, such as distance learning, in-person offerings, or in new formats that blend the two. Beyond the core training, the Institute has developed specific pathways toward competence and certification in specific MBI’s. While these specific MBI “tracks” have well-defined steps toward certification, the training is constructed in such a way that people seeking to become competent and certified may apply to have other trainings and practice experiences count toward those requirements.