Mindful Performance Enhancement, Awareness & Knowledge (mPEAK)

Schedule and Registration

Note: CFM requires a minimum of 10 registrants per program. Classes with fewer than 10 registrants will be cancelled and provided a refund. Please be aware of this when making arrangements to attend this program.

Date Day & Time Register Teacher


May 16-18, 2025 Friday-Sunday
Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. PT; Saturday 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. PT; Sunday 7 a.m. - 12 p.m. PT
Register Online Here Joe Glaser-Reich and Corrie Falcon In-Person-UCSD Population Health 6333 Greenwich Drive

Course Description

mPEAK is an intensive course in mindfulness training for those who seek to draw upon this proven practice to achieve their goals, both personal and professional, as well as attain new levels of performance and success. This cutting-edge 3-day intensive or 8-week course is built around the latest brain research related to peak performance, resilience, focus, and “flow”. The mPEAK program enhances the human capacity of mindfulness through established and empirically supported practices and exercises, tailored to fit the needs and desires of the team, organization or individual. As with physical training, this mental-emotional training program is based upon the understanding that optimal outcomes occur most often when participants continue to engage in the practices and exercises on a daily basis as a part of their training regimen. Mindfulness is effective precisely because it is a way of being and relating to all aspects of life, rather than a specific technique or tool for a particular goal. The foundation of this program is drawn from the highly respected and empirically-supported Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program. Additionally, the program incorporates specific practices and exercises formulated to correspond to recent neuroscientific findings, competitive advances, and related research regarding optimal performance.

The mPEAK program was developed in conjunction with the US National BMX Cycling Team in 2014, as a collaboration between the coaches of the team, UC San Diego neuroscientists Drs. Lori Haase and Martin Paulus, and the UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness Founding Director Dr. Steven Hickman and former Managing Director Allan Goldstein.

Whether you are an athlete, business professional, or simply want to participate in a program that brings together the latest neuroscience and mindfulness training to enable you to be at your best please join us by registering for the mPEAK program. Help spread the word by letting your colleagues and friends in San Diego know about our mPEAK program. 



Inhabiting Your Body
The first section of the course establishes the body as the primary focus of attention and platform upon which mindfulness unfolds. It is designed to introduce participants to the experience of mindful awareness of the body, including interoception and proprioception.


Getting Out of Your Own Way and Letting Go
The second section is devoted to addressing initial challenges encountered by participants, the universality of the wandering mind and the fruitlessness of trying to stop the mind from wandering. Recognizing “story” and the way in which we think influences how we perform.


Dancing With Pain and Working with Difficulty(Fear, Stress and Failure)
The third section is intended to challenge the notion that avoidance is the best strategy when it comes to difficulty arising (e.g. pain, fear, stress, failure, etc.) and to use the experience of working with the body as a way of grounding oneself in the moment in the face of difficulty.


The Pitfalls of Perfectionism and the Glitch in Goals
This final section deals specifically with the contradictory nature of some concepts and attitudes that seem to be positive, but have some hidden limitations. Perfectionism and self-criticism can seem to be good motivators, but research clearly shows that people perform more effectively when motivated by encouragement, reward and self-compassion. Specific exercises and practices will be taught to address these findings and support people in finding optimal ways to motivate themselves and achieve their goals.


These sessions are dedicated to checking in with participants, supporting their ongoing practice through inquiry, discussion and mindfulness practice. Each session will also include a specific relevant topic to focus the meeting and reinforce the importance of continued practice. (Note: These sessions are offered via Zoom virtual meeting platform).

While the curriculum can be tailored for specific settings, teams and organizations, the basic mPEAK program is formulated as a 3-day intensive followed by 6 weeks of virtual integration sessions to deepen the participants mindfulness practice and integrate the four pillars of mPEAK into daily routines in the workplace, the training environment or in competition. All sessions provide a forum for dialogue, questions and comments.

3-Day mPEAK Workshop Fee

Within 30 days of the program start date, full payment must be made. All fees must be paid in order to attend the first session of the program.

The course includes handouts, guided meditations, instruction, 6-week follow-up sessions, and is offered for $895 ($845 if you pay in full 60 days in advance for the course). 


UC San Diego Employees may take the course for $845 (or $795 if you pay in full 60 days prior to the start of class).

Cancellation Policy

A refund (minus $100 of the deposit, which is non-refundable and non-transferable) will be made for cancellations in writing via email to mindfulness@health.ucsd.edu prior to the 1st class start date. There will be no refund after the 1st class starts class.

In the unlikely event that the course is canceled, UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness is responsible only for a full refund of the registration fee and not for transportation, hotel accommodations or any miscellaneous expenses.

Request Information

If you are interested in receiving more information about how you might arrange for our trainers to offer the mPEAK program in your organization or geographical area in an intensive format or to explore options for professional training so that you or others can teach the program, please contact us at mindfulness@health.ucsd.edu or follow the link below for more information.


What Past Participants Have Said

mPEAK TeamBelow are some of the comments offered by the BMX team members and coaches about the mPEAK program:

“The other day I went on a mountain bike ride in the pouring rain and I was trying to be as mindful as possible and what I found out was it helped me out a lot. I was acknowledging on the way the rain was hitting my skin, the way I was breathing, how cold it was outside, and how bad my legs hurt. It was weird after realizing all of those things happening it all kind of subsided and I was able to just focus on every pedal stroke and every climb more effectively, and I didn't think about the next hill climb I just focused on what was in front of me.”– Jordan


“One thing I have felt on the days where I am unbeatable is a highness awareness of things. As in I'm even more in touch and in tune with my body than I normally am. When that happens I don't worry about anything else other than my body, and that leads to success.”– Connor


"A positive of the course for me was simply being more present. I am able to not worry so much and take time to make decisions. In racing there is no room for hesitation or thinking, and being more present has helped me make better moves and decisions on the track. Not only has it helped me on the track but it has helped me be more aware of everything around me and I find myself constantly coming back to the present and am aware when my mind is throughout the day.”– Nick


“Another thing from the course that has stuck with me is to not attach emotion to a situation. When you have a bad lap, a bad jump or finish bad in a race it is easy to get down on yourself and often times takes away from performing better again because you are thinking about it. I have learned not to go up to the gate worrying about the last lap and simply focusing on what I need to do to have the best lap I possibly can.”– Nick