Trainer: Andrea Lieberstein, Guest: Dr. Jean Kristeller
This Mindful Eating (MB-EAT) and Living Online Professional Training Program embraces a non-diet, weight inclusive approach to health and well-being for disordered eating, binge eating, mindless eating, emotional and stress-related eating, and weight concerns to support you to support your clients to cultivate a healthy relationship with food, body, self, and heart. Based on NIH funded researched program approaches, evidence-based experience and collective wisdom. Our program is approved for 48 CEU credits for RD's and other health professions in the U.S. and Canada.
The training explores and provides intensive training, both personally and professionally in the foundational mindful eating, mindfulness and self- compassion practices needed to become a true embodied practitioner, teacher and guide of mindful eating with the core practices and curriculum of a comprehensive evidence-based program supported by NIH funded research.
You will learn to become an embodied mindful eating and meditation practitioner and instructor. This course integrates best practices in mindfulness, self-compassion, positive psychology and neuroscience with the step by step tools for you to teach the 12 week MB-EAT group outpatient program to your clients. These Mindful Eating (MB-EAT) principles are also invaluable to utilize in your individual client sessions.
Being the most effective and authentic mindful eating practitioner in our work, calls upon us to learn and embody the practice from the inside out, to understand the practice of mindfulness and evidence based mindful eating skills and tools and how this applies to food, eating, behavior, as well as to our own and our clients' inner landscape; emotions, feelings and thoughts. It encompasses cultivating and practicing a wise relationship to our bodies, mind and heart leading to greater peace, sense of freedom, equanimity, joy, clarity and skillful means to make wise choices that honor self-care, health and well-being.
Practices and topics introduced include mindfulness meditation, eating exercises, eating meditations, guided visualizations, lovingkindness and self- compassion practices, exploration of craving and emotional eating, didactic instruction, inquiry method, effective behavior change strategies, group facilitation skills, role playing, tools, weekly home practices, assignments, coaching and self-reflection to cultivate mindful awareness and a more balanced and positive relationship to eating and weight.
Upon completion of the program, participants will gain personal and embodied understanding of inner and outer wisdom, experiential learning, and a new relationship to eating, mindfulness and mindful eating practices. You will learn to apply a variety of evidence-based mindfulness and mindful eating practices, information and tools to your clients, both individually and in group settings. Those that meet the program requirements are qualified to teach the full 12-week MB-EAT program.
At the completion of this training, participants will be able to:
- Demonstrate how to lead core mindful eating, mindfulness meditation and mindfulness practices in each of the ten group sessions and two follow up sessions of these twelve session MB-EAT curriculum
- Demonstrate and describe how to integrate core mindfulness-based eating awareness training practices into individual counseling or coaching sessions for effective behavioral outcomes.
- Describe the central role of mindfulness meditation and self-compassion practice for self- regulation of eating, emotions, lifestyle and mindful choice.
- Apply skills and tools to recognizing and interrupting the chain of emotional, stress and mindless eating
- Illustrate how to embody the practice of mindfulness meditation and mindful eating through integrating practices into one’s own life and authentically embodying the delivery of core practices to clients in group or individual program interventions.
- Describe how diet culture and beliefs impact disordered eating, physical and mental well-being and how attuning to inner and outer wisdom with mindful choice helps restore balanced attuned eating and a healthier relationship to eating, body and self.
Target Audience
This program is designed for health care professionals including dietitians, psychologists, mental health practitioners, physicians, nurses, social workers, counselors, yoga teachers and those in related fields who wish to become embodied authentic practitioners and teachers of mindful eating and basic mindfulness practices.
Interested professionals who do not intend to deliver the intervention directly but have other professional or personal interests in the topic may also attend.
Upon completion of the 3-month training, participants will receive a certificate as an MB-EAT Practitioner (MB-EAT-P) or MB-EAT Qualified Instructor (MB-EAT-QI) to share the MB-EAT skills and tools with their community, depending upon previous experience and qualifications met (see below)
Participant Guidelines
This training offers Certification in Mindful Eating as an MB-EAT Practitioner (MB-EAT-P) for clinical or individual practice or MB-EAT Qualified Instructor (MB-EAT-QI). It prepares you to be a skilled and embodied practitioner or teacher of Mindful Eating with a weight inclusive approach. To be most prepared for acceptance into this training and successful deliver of the interventions, our guidelines include:
- Professional degree, certification, background or equivalent as outlined under target audience.
- Prior Group Facilitation Experience recommended:
- Group facilitation experience required to graduate as an MB-EAT-QI
- If no prior group facilitation experience, one can receive mentoring and supervision while teaching your first group to become an MB-EAT-QI and graduate as an MB-EAT-P.
- Prior Mindfulness Meditation Experience recommended. Existing mindfulness meditation practice or desire to cultivate a regular practice of both formal and informal mindfulness practice.
- A minimum of 6 months prior mindfulness meditation experience required to graduate as an MB-EAT-QI
- If no prior mindfulness meditation experience, the training program will count as 3 months of experience towards this requirement and participant will graduate as an MB-EAT-P. Additional three months of regular practice after graduation will qualify for MB-EAT-QI.
Lead Trainer
Andrea Lieberstein, MPH, RDN, IMTA CMT-P, RYT, Founder of the Mindful Eating Training Institute is author of the book, “Well Nourished” which was chosen as “Best Mindfulness Books in 2020” by Mindful Magazine. She is a mindful eating expert, mindfulness-based registered dietitian nutritionist, certified mindfulness meditation and mindful eating teacher, certified ecotherapist and yoga teacher, internationally recognized teacher trainer, Well Nourished Coach™ and a champion for leading a Well Nourished Life. She leads evidence-based mindful eating and Well Nourished™ trainings, workshops and retreats internationally, for both professionals and the general public, and offers professional certification programs in Well Nourished Coaching™ and Mindful Eating.
In her private practice Andrea takes a non-diet, mindful eating, self-compassion and mindfulness-based whole person approach informed by Health at Every Size, mindful eating, intuitive eating, mindful self-compassion, mind-body medicine and advanced eating disorder treatment training. Andrea works with individuals to have more peace, balance, freedom, self-compassion and joy in their relationship with food, nutrition, body-image, stress-related issues and health concerns or whom simply want to bring their lives back into balance and vibrancy through mindful eating and living. Andrea also spearheaded Mind Body programs at various Kaiser Permanente centers for many years, was an instructor and lead consultant in NIH funded research on mindful eating at the Osher Center for Integrative Health and has degrees from Stanford University and the University of California at Berkeley.
One of Andrea’s greatest passions and joys is sharing the life transforming practices of mindfulness, meditation, compassion, mindful eating, yoga, nature-based awareness practices, and “Well Nourished” healthy lifestyles with others. Andrea also recently completed a Dharma Leadership program and is currently completing her training as a Buddhist Eco-Chaplain. Andrea has practiced mindfulness meditation and yoga since the 1980’s and is inspired daily by her yoga and meditation practice and the healing power of nature,
Training Dates for 2035
- April 18-July 18, 2025
Tentative Schedule (all times are in Pacific Time)
- 12 Fridays at 10 am-12 pm PDT
- 2 Q & A’s, Tuesdays at 12:00 pm PDT
- 1 Daylong Retreat, Saturday 8:30 am – 2:00 pm PDT
- 1 Small Group Coaching Session, 1.5 hours
- Flex time option provided.
Registration Fees
Regular Registration $1,688 (Early-Bird Registration $1,488)
To receive program details and registration link for the Mindful Eating (MB-EAT) and Living Professional Training jointly sponsored with UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness, the complimentary '10 Tips to Mindful Eating' and/or to set up an appointment with Andrea for questions about the programs, please fill out the form below:
Training Description
Required Reading
- Well Nourished by Andrea Lieberstein
Suggested Reading
- Resources for Teaching Mindfulness: An International Handbook by Donald McCown, Diane Reibel and Marc Micozzi
- Teaching Mindfulness, A practical Guide for Clinicians and Educators by Donald McCown, Diane Reibel and Marc Micozzi
- Joy of Half a Cookie by Jean Kristeller
- A Path with Heart by Jack Kornfield
- The Wise Heart by Jack Kornfield
- The Magic of Mindfulness by Thich Nat Hanh
- Touching Peace by Thich Nat Hanh
- Self-Compassion by Kristin Neff
- Full Catastrophe Living by Jon Kabat-Zinn