KEF Membership

The UC San Diego Krupp Center for Integrative Research Executive Committee is pleased to invite you to complete the following application for membership in the Krupp Center for Integrative Research (KCIR) for research in integrative medicine. This survey is the first step in becoming a KCIR member, which will enable for you to apply for integrative medicine research funding. 

Please review the RFA document for further details regarding eligibility and funding priorities.

Thank you in advance for your participation.
What is/are your area(s) of research interest(s)?
Please select all that apply, indicating whether or not this is a new research direction for you.
What funding mechanisms are you currently using (and/or have used in the past) to support your research?
Check all that apply.
What types of core services would be of interest to you?
Check all that applies.

This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.

Enter the characters shown in the image.