Dealing With the Classic MBSR Week 8 Question: Will Your Butt Be On the Cushion Tomorrow?

Perhaps the number one question asked by participants in MBSR or MBCT groups is: "Where can I go to continue to practice in a group?" The question behind the question is "How will I sustain the momentum I have built up over the past 8 weeks and continue to formally practice mindfulness?" We frequently suggest to our participants that they connect with each other to form small sitting groups. This article from mindful.org provides some nice guidelines for doing just that.

New Study Highlights the Relationship Between Rumination and Mindfulness

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A study just published in the Springer journal Mindfulness by Raes and Williams, explores the relationship between rumination and mindfulness. From the abstract: "when controlling for current depressive symptoms and prior history of depression, mindfulness was significantly negatively correlated with rumination, but it was only associated with the extent to which rumination was experienced as uncontrollable, not with global levels of rumination.