Health and wellness coaches partner with patients in cultivating the knowledge, skills, tools and confidence to improve their health and well-being. With extensive training in the science of health behavior change, our nationally board-certified health and wellness coaches empower patients to develop and sustain lifestyle habits to optimize health as well as better manage a variety of chronic diseases and conditions. In a review of the current research, health and

wellness coaching has been shown to improve health outcomes for patients with diabetes, obesity, and hypertension, with positive improvements in hemoglobin A1c, blood pressure and weight.
From exercise and nutrition to weight management and stress reduction, health and wellness coaches guide patients on their personal behavior change journey, providing support in setting goals, increasing awareness and intrinsic motivation, and implementing action-oriented processes to meaningfully and sustainably enact positive changes that improve health and well-being.
Our team of clinically experienced national board certified health and wellness coaches (NBC-HWCs) have earned undergraduate and graduate degrees in allied health with specialized training in areas such as lifestyle medicine, integrative wellness and functional medicine in order to provide a whole person approach to health. With options for one-on-one and group-based coaching delivered in-person and via telehealth, our health and wellness coaches are readily accessible and deeply committed to helping patients live well and thrive in their lives.
To schedule an appointment, call our toll-free scheduling service at (844) 747-0474.