MBSR Teacher Training for Diverse and Underserved Communities

We at the UC San Diego Mindfulness-Based Professional Training Institute have been awarded a grant to train a cohort of people from diverse and underserved communities who would like to become MBSR teachers. We have scholarship funds for people to participate in our MBSR Teacher Training Intensive and MBSR Teacher Certification Program.

Mindful Leadership: Is There a Place for Love at Work?

Even at work, caring and compassionate relationships matter. Especially at work, it turns out. According to the American Time Use Survey, we spend an average 8.7 hours of every day at work (averaged over all 7 days each week), more than any other single time-use component. This means that if we’re miserable at work, it makes a huge impact on the overall quality of our lives.

Experiencing a Mindful Childbirth: An MBCP Graduate's Observations on "Being With What Is"

Since the founding of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program by Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center over 30 years ago, mindfulness courses and programs intended to teach people practical skills for working with all kinds of physical and mental health challenges have increased exponentially. Mindfulness-Based Childbirth and Parenting (MBCP) is one of these programs.

Surfing A Global Wave

You know something’s working when it makes it to the big time “for Dummies” book publishing.

Mindfulness Invites Engagement & Connection

What fascinates me about this mindfulness work is the way in which the different qualities and characteristics of being mindful engage and connect us. Recently, I wrote about the rich possibilities inherent in cultivating the skill of listening mindfully and the presence of respect, wonder, gratitude, reverence and connection that naturally seem to co-arise.  It makes me think of the lyrics from an old song that goes “. . .

Advancing & Growing the Work We Hold So Dear

A Message From Allan Goldstein

Associate Director
UCSD Center for Mindfulness

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

When I first read Daniel Goleman's call in Emotional Intelligence for mindfulness to be taught in schools I could not have imagined that I would be sending a personal message asking for your support for a conference that brings together the wonderful growing community of people now engaged in that work.

Loneliness and Boredom “eat” at us!

Loneliness and boredom are often triggers for eating comfort foods, or for eating at inappropriate times. When we feel the impulse to eat at an odd time (such as an hour after lunch or when we can't fall asleep at night ) we can take a moment to investigate what is happening in our body, heart and mind.